Carburetor and Intake

Float Bowl Screw Dell'Orto PHBN / PHVA

Float Bowl Gasket PHBN / PHVA

Needle Clips Dell'Orto PHBN / PHVA

Gasket for Air Mixture Screw PHBG / for Idle Screw PHBN / PHVA

Cable Adjuster Screw choke Dell'orto PHBG M6x1.00

Float Bowl Gasket PHBG

Idle Screw Dell'Orto PHBG with springs

Needle Clips DellOrto PHBG / VHST

Slide Cover Gasket PHBG

Float Bowl Screw Dell'Orto PHBG

Cable Adjuster Screw choke Dell'orto PHBG - SHA M5x1.00 - L.23mm

Pilot Jet Kit Polini CP 42-52

Pilot Jet Kit Polini CP 32-40

Bell Mouth Tillotson plastic for kart carbs 24mm

Air Filter KN conical d.28-35 straight (small) white

Air Filter KN conical d.28-35 adjustable 0°-90° KN V filter (large)

Air Filter Motoforce Racing d=50mm black

Air Filter Polini Evolution conical d=48mm

Air Filter Polini Box 24mm

Carbon Fiber Sheet Barikit 0.35mm

Pilot Jet Dell'Orto VHST

Air Filter Air Box Polini black straight 32mm

Main Jet Keihin / Pilot Jet PHVA-PHBN

Air Filter Air Box Polini black 90° angle d.37mm L.125mm

Air Filter Air Box Polini black 90° angle d.37mm L.135mm

Kart Air Filter Box 28 / 35 / 46mm

Carburetor Slide Dell'Orto PHVA (d=17.5mm) size 40

Fuel Hose Adapter/Splitter 8mm

Cable Choke Adapter Kit Mikuni TM24

Throttle Cable Lock Ring Retainer Mikuni TM24

Needle Seat Mikuni TM24

Slide Spring Mikuni TM24

Fuel Tap universal ON/OFF

Air Filter STR8 black foam long straight (for 12-21mm carbs)

Pilot Jet Set Dellorto PHBG / PHBD 30 - 50

Float Valve Needle Dell'Orto PHBG / PHBN / SHA

Bell Mouth Dell'Orto PHBG plastic threaded

Needle Seat Dell'Orto 2575 / 2631 / 2685 / 2695 / 2696

Carburetor Slide Spring Dell'Orto PHBG

Carburetor Dell'Orto Float 4G PHBG

Rubber Cap throttle / choke cable

Carburetor Dell'Orto Gasket Kit PHBG

Float Bowl Dell'Orto PHBG

Float Bowl Screw Plug Dell'Orto 2696 / 2695

Carburetor Slide Dell'Orto 2575 / 2631 / 2685 / 2695

Carburetor Needle Dellorto W9 PHBG

Air Filter round D.74mm type KN straight D.25-35mm chrome / red

Air Filter round D.61mm type KN straight D.25-35mm chrome / red

Fuel Tap d.8mm mounting on frame

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC blue / aluminium

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC blue / black

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC black / aluminium

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC black / purple

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC black / blue

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC black / red

Air Filter offset Motoforce Racing type BMC black / black

Air Filter STR8 Power d=35mm white

Air Filter STR8 Power d=35mm red

Air Filter Helix orange