Homologation / ABE certificate on exhausts
In the past, exhaust pipes were homologated according to national road legislation of a particular European country. If this test was passed, the exhausts were marked for roaduse. In Germany for instance the exhaust was granted an ABE, in France it was the TPSI, in the UK it was the BSAU-number. European integration has put an end to these national solutions; today roadworthiness of exhaust pipes is defined by the letters of the ECE 97/24 European norm.
As a result of the above, any exhaust deemed legal for road use under this norm may be used legally on the road in the entire European Union. Homologated pipes come with a metal badge tag welded onto the exhaust’s body. This badge states the exact number of the homologation. The number starts with a small “e”. In addition to that, most homologated exhausts come with an E-pass stating the manufacturer‘s part numbers, the number of the homologation and the make and model of the vehicle the pipe is homologated for. Unfortunately this E-pass is not supplied by all manufacturers.
There seems to be some confusion about the above facts though. Each and every exhaust is homologated on a scooter of a particular make and model, the E-pass therefore covers this make and model, and this make and model only. Even though it’s a bit pointless, the homologation covers the vehicle as a whole, not the engine. The engine type used in a scooter is usually not stated in the scooter’s documents. To cut a long story short: If you buy an exhaust homologated on and for a Yamaha Aerox (5BR type) this pipe will also fit a Malagutti F12 (ZJM40 type) which comes with the same engine as the Aerox. The Epass covers the Aerox only though. Your only chance to get the exhaust road legal on your scooter is to contact your local MOT authorities and to ask them to add the exhaust details with a permission to use it on the road to your scooter’s documents. It may help to point out that the engine used in the F12 is identical to the one used in the Aerox. This requires a bit of understanding on the MOT official’s side, and it will also cost some 35 Euro.
If you are ever pulled over by the police, the policeman will check the homologation number on the metal badge. He may then ask for an E-pass. You are not obliged to carry the Epass though; the exhaust’s manufacturer does not even have to supply one with the pipe. Tell him to check Guideline