RMS, Italy, is a prolific manufacturer of OEM quality aftermarket parts for many scooter brands, including Vespa Vintage and Vespa Modern parts. Their catalogue is extensive, with equipment made for even the most vintage of models. This is an RMS Headlight for Vespa Special / Elestart 50cc. If your headlight is broken or simply doesn't look good any more, get a new one.
For V5A3T-V5B2T-V5B4T.
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Manufacturer's Details
Vespa V50 V90 PV ET3
50 R 1969 - 1983 (V5A1T)50 S 1963 - 1984 (V5SA1T)50 Special 1969 - 1972 (V5A2T)50 Special 1973 - 1975 (V5B1T)50 Special 1975 - 1983 (V5B3T))50 Special Elestart 1969 - 1971 (V5A3T)50 Special Elestart 1972 - 1975 (V5B2T)50 Special Elestart 1975 - 1976 (V5B4T)V50 V90 PV ET8 50cc Special Elestart (V5A3T)V50 V90 PV ET10 50cc Special Elestart (V5B2T)V50 V90 PV ET12 50cc Special Elestart (V5B4T)