Passenger footrests Yamaha BW's and MBK Booster after 2004
High-quality aluminium footrests, available in various colors. Stylish and sturdy replacement for missing or damaged scooter foot pegs.
The passenger footrests can be fitted directly to MBK Booster and Yamaha BW's after 2004 without any further adjustments. The foot pegs are made of anodized aluminium and feature laser-engraved STR8 logos. The special feature of this version is the non-slip screws, similar to those used in motocross, to ensure optimum grip for the passenger. You can also adjust the height by screwing them in or out as desired.
Note: The screws for attaching the footrests are not included, you can use the original screws. If you don't have them any more, you can find the correct original Yamaha parts using our exploded views.
Features passenger footrests Yamaha BWs:
- Position: Passenger
- Sold in pairs
- Color: Purple
- Including anti-slip screws
- Footpegs MBK Booster after 2004
- Footpegs Yamaha BW's after 2004
Footrests or foot pegs can be found on all two-wheelers, even on scooters with footplates with passenger footrests on many models.
On scooters and 50cc motorbikes, the footrests are replaced when they are broken or bent after a crash or fall, or replaced by custom models for aesthetic reasons.
On sport and motocross bikes, footpegs are usually replaced for technical reasons: on sport bikes, the controls are moved backwards to adjust the rider's position, and for motocross motorcycles there are titanium footpegs or ultra-wide models to increase grip. There are also special anti-mud footpegs (more perforated) or lowered footpegs (for tall riders).
Note: On motocross bikes, the foorests will get some play over time. Sometimes the bolts or brackets need to be replaced to reduce this.
To prevent wear, you should always lubricate your footpegs.